A solitary figure on a fragile bridge overlooks churning rapids, representing the strength and courage needed to face life's uncertainties and hardships.

You've survived by comparing yourself to others, telling yourself "I'm not so bad." Yet the spell of your past cripples you—making you less than you are, acting in ways you don't recognize.

Fear haunts you: loud noises trigger you. You need clear exits. You're simultaneously secretive and hungry for others' secrets. You cling to knowledge that might save you.

This book unveils the spell's origins. You'll see how it was cast, understand its effects, and learn how to break free. Psychodrama and Narrative Therapy offer magical tools to rewrite your story, showing you can respond to life differently.

Drawing on Maori legends, I introduce Waipiro—the Taniwha protecting alcohol—as a metaphor for your journey. Worksheets throughout will help you reflect and transform.

We can become spell breakers together. Are you ready?

The Counter Spell

The spell that bound you took years to weave—its counter will take equal time and courage. This journey demands five challenging quests that will test you, break you open, and ultimately set you free.

First, uncover the spell's origins. Break through denial, grieve your losses with compassion. Purge the past to see your future clearly.

Next, weave a bridge between past and present. Understand how the spell has frozen you, silenced your true self, infiltrated your body and mind.

Then, strengthen your inner pillars. Challenge core beliefs. Replace weak foundations with powerful new supports.

The final quest is most potent: nourish yourself. Create new rules, roles, and values. Learn to truly listen to your own voice.

It will be painful. You will cry. But every moment leads to liberation.

Are you ready to cast the counter spell?

What This Book of Counter spells is Not  

This book does not replace real life or real people. If you need to talk with a professional or join a group, do it. If you need to join an online community, do it. Do what you need to do. This book is a step, but it is not the answer. 

The spell casters affected you. But that is not the end of the story. Today is a new day; things can be different. You have many strengths to call upon in this time of shifting sand. You have the power to write your own counter spell and change your life today. 

Thanks so much, dear reader, for purchasing this book, may it bring you much love and peace.