break the spell now

break the spell now ☆

Create your own counter spell

"Illustration of a young woman in front of a forest path, representing the start of an exciting journey.
Full Spell Caster
Every month

Get full access to the worksheets, spells and learning that you need to become a master counter spell caster. Throw off that spell that has been cast on you by learning your counter spell.

The Counter Spell Course

If you are reading about this course, chances are you have had an ACoA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) spell cast upon you. Not a spell of your own making, but one cast on you by another. This spell has caused you to think and act in ways that are different from others who have no spell upon them.

In this course you will learn how to create your own counter spell so that you can build on your own strengths to live more fully. There are five fully guided quests each with their own tasks to create a tangible different way of being in your own life.

Chalk inscription of 'You Got This' on a pathway, symbolizing support and motivation for embarking on the course.

What you’ll learn

Image of Vicki-ann, the course creator, inspiring learners with a warm and approachable demeanour.

Meet your instructor

Vicki-ann Thornton

Mine is the third generation of alcoholics in our family and we are devastated. Blown to bits, annihilated, obliterated. Consequently, we need to work on our relationships. When I was younger, it took a lot of guts to turn my back on my family and start a new life without them. As I got older, I found I needed family addiction support and a lot of it!

But now, looking at my kids and grandkids, I'm glad I did the hard yards.

I'll let you in on my secrets - I get the frustration and confusion of life as ACoA. As I grew older, I didn't want to live in that world of frustration and confusion any longer. So I have read extensively, I've worked hard at many workshops and spent hours in therapy to get where I am today. Now I want to share this with you so you don't have to do it the hard way. Like I did. Family addiction support is vital to our lives as ACoA. Although I have begun the journey of resolution, I'm still learning and as I find things out you'll be the first to know.

break the spell now

break the spell now ☆

Single Quests

Magical moment of a sparkler between hands, depicting the journey of casting off an old spell with a new, personal enchantment.
A Quest - See the Spell Casters
One time

Embark on a quest with two integral tasks, aimed at countering the spell that has ensnared you as a child of Alcoholics. Now is the time to begin restoration and take your power back.

Woman wearing a mask with closed eyes, and smelling a rose, depicting the idea of living in disguise while longing to understand her true identity.
A Quest - Know What Drives You
One time

Get anytime access to this course teaching you how to create the spell that will free you from the effects of growing up with addicts.

Empowered woman silhouetted against the light, fist raised in celebration, embodying the spirit of breaking free from oppressive rules.
A Quest - Putting the Violence to Rest
One time

Get anytime access to this aspect of the spell and put that violence to rest once and for all

A Quest - Know how the Spell Causes you to Act
One time

Get anytime access to this quest - know yourself more fully and undo the spell that was cast. There are two tasks with this quest, they will enable you to slowly take off the cloak of the spell and reveal your beauty. It will give you new power to determine your own actions, thoughts, and feelings.

Black and white blurred photograph of a carousel, evoking the sensation of being lost in endless repetition without knowing what drives you.
A Quest - Rewriting the Rules
One time

Get anytime access to this aspect of the spell to vanquish the effects of the spell cast upon you while you were growing up.

A solitary woman in a peaceful environment, embodying hope and the possibility of overcoming family violence.

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