Welcome to words from my heart to yours

Owning my own recovery
Recovery Vicki-ann Thornton Recovery Vicki-ann Thornton

Owning my own recovery

I’ve been in recovery for around 10 years now and I should have it all together, right?

Fortunately, recovery is a process, sometimes a life-long process. I don’t have to have it all together right away. As I get further and further into recovery I find deeper and deeper layers of pervasive learning that has to be undone and redone. I have to practise and practise being different until it's second nature.

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Protect Yourself with Personal Boundaries
Recovery Vicki-ann Thornton Recovery Vicki-ann Thornton

Protect Yourself with Personal Boundaries

Boundaries are for our care and protection, they are there to keep us safe. That’s pretty obvious if you think about walls and fences, or skin. If we had no skin… There are five main areas in which we can build healthy boundaries or rules or limits.

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ACoA Quiz
Recovery Vicki-ann Thornton Recovery Vicki-ann Thornton

ACoA Quiz

Take the quiz to know more

Claire was bone-weary. She was exhausted from always having to second-guess everyone. Working so hard trying to keep them happy.

She was so very tired.

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ACOA Bill of Rights
Recovery Vicki-ann Thornton Recovery Vicki-ann Thornton

ACOA Bill of Rights

Today we are going to learn about the ACOA Bill of Rights and what that looks like for you.

You may not know this, but you have rights. It may not have felt like you had many in the past but you always had them.

You just didn't know it.

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