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Codependency Compliance Patterns
Codependency Vicki-ann Thornton Codependency Vicki-ann Thornton

Codependency Compliance Patterns

Sam was continually being passed over for promotions because she was too nice. Sam hated confrontation, would do anything to avoid making people unhappy with her. She would find herself agreeing with things she didn't really agree with to keep the peace. Her wife was pressuring her to do better at work. But she felt she wasn't strong enough to be a leader.

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Codependency Avoidance Patterns
Codependency Vicki-ann Thornton Codependency Vicki-ann Thornton

Codependency Avoidance Patterns

Christopher’s terrible story of abuse and neglect had a lasting impact on him. His way of coping with it was to shut down.

As a result, it had now become a problem in his marriage and his wife was about to leave him. She didn't believe that he loved her because he couldn't show it.

Do you know his reply when I asked him when he had cried last?

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Low self-esteem
Codependency Vicki-ann Thornton Codependency Vicki-ann Thornton

Low self-esteem

Jessica had to look after her friend and put her first. Always. Even when it was inconvenient. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to look after your friends. It’s also good for your kids to see you looking after your friends, how else are they going to learn what a good friend is?

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